Saturday, October 20, 2007


Today, I have attended Data Structures and Algorithtms practical. At the beginning of the lesson I do not really know what is it about, and thought that it is a part of C++ programming. However in this practical, I learnt more tools for debugging the codes in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

In semester one, I always encounter problems where I do not know what the "error box" is trying to tell me. In the end I need to seek for help from tuitor, and he will do "step-by-step" checking, although I do not know what he is trying but TODAY, Mr. Anthony told us the mysteries.

They gave us a code with a few errors, and expected us to use the method they taught us to solve it. I did not bring my HDD that day so I will look out for it and update this entry here.

This practical helped me as I do not have unknown errors in future.

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